FABRIC OF SPACE Festival 2014
FABRIC OF SPACE Festival A Psychedelic Gathering Festival
After long time of planning and putting our ideas together we are very happy and proud to announce this special psychedelic Gathering…..
Welcome to the „FABRIC OF SPACE“
A selection of the finest psychedelic musicians, deco artists, VJ´s and friends all over the world will make this possible.
Fasten your seatbelts………..
We will take you into a Mystic World of Illusions, art and psychedelic music what will put your consciousness in another Dimension of Space and Time.
This druids brew consists out of refined and carefully selected ingredients.
Our first ingredient is ATRIOHM from Mazedonia. His music is like witnessing a concert and is completely different than any other artist in the scene. Because of his unique style and intense atmospheres like „Dream Converter“ youtube you can find him on all the big festivals all over this planet like Boom, Ozora, Lost Theory,…
More herbs, more herbs… 😉
Our second spice doesn’t need to much introduction. Almost everybody knows the legendary PARASENSE from Russia. He is one of the founders and pioneers in producing night music. Since the early 90´s he is rocking the dancefloors worldwide.
The next addition of the recipt is some crunchy stuff called ARJUNA.
Born in the Himalayah and grown up in Goa. What to say, his music drops like a bomb and nobody can stand still when he starts. After cooking many tracks, he’s ready to present his upcoming album on our event for the very first time.
Look ! Look in the Pot. The Brew ! Friend´s, it´s boiling. F****** Hot !
It´s time to use our „baguette magique“ to stir up a bit. We use a Magic wand, handmade in Belgium by Rafaël Campoli, founder of „ Lost Theory Records“ and Yannick Thiry called SCOPE.
Some sorcerous spell : „Zim Zam Zum“ ! And all incredient´s will start to melt.
AbRahadAbrA ZimZalaBOOM.
With IANUARIA we’ve put some liquid elements in our cauldron. His unique style combines many genres of psychedelic music. He discovered the scene in 1996 and is hooked ever since! Nowadays he has been part of almost every big Trance festival around the globe. To name o few : BOOM, Universo Parallello, Antaris, Lost Theory, Modem, Blackmoon etc.. Since a while he is working on completely new material and we are proud to present his 3rd upcoming album, also first time on our event!
Some extra chilly please! DJ Suthek based in London, will warp your brain with new hot stuff from Boomshanka Music. He will stear more in the pot together with DJ Tommes. The finest Psychedelics guaranted !
Let´s take a sip from our magic potion!
The Trampolin of Gravity is ready for you
Come and stretch the time with us 😉
► PARASENSE • Live // Boom Shanka Music // RUSSIA
► ATRIOHM • Live // Parvati Records // MAZEDONIA
► ARJUNA • Live // Parvati Records // GOA – ITALY *** !! NEW ALBUM PRESENTATION !!
► SCOPE • Live // Lost Theory Records // BELGIUM
► IANUARIA • Live // Blue Hour Sounds // AUSTRIA *** !! 3rd ALBUM PRESENTATION !!
► SUTEKH • // Boom Shanka Music // UNITED KINGDOM
► TOMMES • // Unisono // AUSTRIA
► CALAQUENDI ART • Backdrops – Objects- Lycra // AUSTRIA
► PSY-PIX • Backdrops – Lycra // AUSTRIA
► DENNY LIGHTRAY • Master of Light´s // AUSTRIA
InfoWEGBESCHREIBUNG (öffentlich):
bis 00:41 – von U1 Reumannplatz – Straßenbahn Linie 67 (Richtung Wien Oberlaa) – Station “Rothneusiedl” – ca. 100m Fußmarsch
ab 00:54 halbstündlich – von U1 Reumannplatz – Nightline N67 (Richtung Inzersdorf Großmarkt) – Station “Stockholmer Platz” – ca. 400m Fußmarsch
LocationCLUB 34
Himbergerstrasse 2
1100 Wien