The Ritual Festival 2015 – Quebec Canada

THE RITUAL: Inner Worlds / Outer Worlds, Where the paths of Mysticism, Spirituality,Active Meditation & Consciousness meet…

In many shamanic societies, if you came to a medicine person complaining of being disheartened, dispirited, or depressed, they would ask one of four questions. When did you stop dancing? When did you stop singing? When did you stop being enchanted by stories? When did you stop finding comfort in the sweet territory of silence?

From the beginning of human history as we know it today, man has strived to build community and find friendship and a deep connection with others of like heart, spirit and mind. It is not often that something so profound and rare takes place. Many individuals from many different places in the world come together to form a collective which makes a deep impression on the world around through love, art and tribal family magic. Connecting to such a high vibration and making powerful connections through pure and selfless intentions we go forth and present The RITUAL Trance Festivals. Connecting from all over our little blue planet, we are coming together to share our love for art, music and magic of untold proportions. Our mission here and now is to awake your senses and open you to new sounds and vibrations which are there to foster evolution, growth, family and most importantly love within your spirit and soul. It is because we love our family and community so much that we endeavor to do what we do. During turbulent times when oil spills and wars and revolutions are becoming a regular scene all around the world, let us come together and find peace and do our part to spread it in the world around us! Logic Vision is one of the first collective of its kind in north AMerica, pioneering and paving the way towards openness and acceptance of the wide and deep multi sub genres which exist within Psychedelic Trance Music. From Progressive to Forest to Hightech and all the above and below and in-between. We are here to bridge the gap and find balance and uniqueness within it all and share it with the world without bias! Let the dance floor come to life and let us all rejoice in the bliss which is the Psychedelic Family.

Every year, a number of festivals are celebrated in the world. These festivals are looked forward to, for many, with a lot of enthusiasm.
Although these festivals, different kinds of rituals are performed (with utmost care), and provide you mystical experiences.
We have carefully selected for you some of the leading audiovisual artists worldwide in order to create the perfect transformation into Peace, Unity,and Global Respect!



Focused around a central element, throughout the gathering, there is a sacred container being collectively created and held, in collaboration with the Native peoples who have honored us with the use of their land.

We believe in the healing potential of intentional gatherings.
We have dedicated our lives for facilitating these opportunities for a collective evolution.

Our mission : to create the perfect transformation into Peace, Unity and Global Respect…


::: 2 stages with International Live-acts + Best Local Heros (Lineup will be revealed in September 2014, Expect, as Usual, Cutting Edge Psychedelic Trance Music from Shamanic Downtempo, To Hitech Psychedelic Trance, Progressive Trance Zenonesque, Minimal, Techno

::: Tribal & Shamanic Deco UV Blacklight ENvironnement from Mexico/Guatemala (TBA)

:::: Visionnary Art

:::: Workshops: Conscious Food, ParaTheatre, Shamanic Tales, Didgeridoo Fablab …

:::: The MARKET: Exotic Restaurants, Clothing, Jewelry, Shamanic Tools


Location (CONFIRMED) = 1hour from Ottawa (adress will be revealed soon). Experience the full 4 day Camping & Psychedelic Gathering, beautiful swimming river & magical forest Landscapes.


(Limited Capacity Event 600 people max)

The Ritual Festival 2015 Tickets

::: Phase 1 Early Bird: 04 August to Sept 1st – ONLINE ONLY
limited 50 tickets only = 60$

::: Phase 2 Early Bird – 50 tickets only = 80$

::: Phase 3 Standard: 100 tickets only = 90$

::: Phase 4 Standard: 100 tickets = 100$

::: Phase 3 Standard: 200 tickets = 110$

::: Door Price = 120$

For Questions:

AHO _/\_ ♥

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