Festivals are events that are staged by a particular community which are intended to celebrate some unique aspect of that specific community like its culture and traditions. Furthermore, Trance Festivals are done to meet particular purposes especially regarding thanksgiving and commemoration. They can also be associated with celebrations of some achievements. Usually, festivals bring entertainment to its people within the community and for a large scale, may include other communities too.
One of the most awaited festivals every year is the Earthdance Festival. Earthdance is defined as a world of various communities who are playing and working together in order to create a culture of peace with the aid of dance and music events. Also, it aims to synchronize global link-ups as well as social activism. Moreover, it is a delightful party as it is celebrated through dance and music events. Most importantly, Earthdance is a flash forward for a peaceful future. The festival is taken annually in over five hundred locations and eighty countries where there are speakers, DJs, artists and musicians in respective local communities that share ideas and inspiration in building a worldwide culture of peace.
History of Earthdance Festival
Earthdance was first materialized in 1996 through an event musician and producer named Chris Deckker. His vision was to unite the world in peace using a universal platform of music and dance. Nowadays, Earthdance is considered as the largest global synchronized peace and music event in the whole world. The first Earthdance event happened in 1997 with 22 cities in 18 countries as its participants. In 1999, the Earthdance Festival moved its base to San Francisco and then aligned its mission with the United Nations Peace Day then later on began partnering with several international events, companies and organizations for peace. Furthermore, in 2001, Earthdance non-profit organization was established to coordinate to the annual charity celebration and in 2003, Earthdance company was founded to develop annual Earthdance projects and provide assistance for non-profit organizations and festivals.
From its rave roots, the Earthdance festival has grown and recognized to be one of the biggest globally synchronized dance and music festivals which is held in over six hundred locations in eighty countries. Originally inspired by global electronic music and dance scenes, the festival now encompasses diverse cross-section of various music genres including both international and local grown talents. Last year, the Earthdance Global Peace Party involved 62 public events within 25 countries, high social media activities across multiple platforms and countless private events. And up until now, the beat goes on.
Each of the public Earthdance festival dedicates 50% of its portfolio to a particular charity which falls in one of the following groups:
• Indigenous people and culture
• The Welfare of Urban Youth and Children
• International Development and Relief
• Associations that promote peace
• Environmental Protection as well as its Sustainability
What is the mission of the Earthdance Festival?
The mission of the Earthdance Festival is to promote sustainability, social justice as well as global peace with the aid of international online network and community of event producers who participate in the year-round multi-location music and peace commemoration. The participants or attendees in the event take part in the coordinated Prayer for Peace. Also, they join in the common celebration of the community, evolution and collaboration towards a universal culture of peace through universal languages dance and music as well as arts.
Moreover, the organization is developing its mission through producing various media programs, building an online groups, supporting researches on phenomenon of connected meditation practices that involves thousands of participants and creating new forms of charitable support for peace, social justice and sustainability through media and entertainments partnerships.
Dance and Music Events
The annual festival for Global Peace is a wild organic mixture of events and programs. Some of which are the destination music festivals, outdoor Trance parties, gathering in parks, concerts, events in various public spaces night campouts, club nights, house parties and flash mobs. All are synchronized online via social media. The Electronic beats, music and DJs are the foundation of Earthdance events. However, the performance and music and dance genres represented are as diverse and multi-cultural as the locations. As the Earthdance Festival is celebrated through dance and music, it is indeed fun and diverse. In addition, Earthdance Festival is a huge synchronicity generator through all the shared experiences and connections made at the Festival around the world.
The Earthdance Festival is indeed persuasive as celebration of such are through dance and Trance Music. The success of the Festival lives through the participants of the events who were there, the smiling faces, bouncing and energetic dancers in the video, outstanding and energetic DJs, various artists and performers, hugs in the pictures, families who come together and the charities that keeping organizers motivated. The Earthdance Festival has been a journey of ecstasy, service, celebration, and beauty beyond words.
Earthdance Festival Videos